How Many Books Are You Currently Reading?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

At the moment? Seven in my case. Two are for book clubs of which I’m a part. Then I usually have at least two religious books I read, because I receive a lot of these for review. Then there is one on my Kindle, which is handy to read at breakfast and bed time. I have another that alternates between fiction and non-fiction. Finally, I have a book I can read in short snatches–often essays or poetry or something with short chapters.

I think personally that I have to take breaks from a book rather than read straight through. When I come back, my interest is renewed. I also have an interesting thing happen sometimes where it feels like my books are talking to each other–sometimes literally when one author mentions another, as is the case with the two books I’m reading for book clubs currently.

Some of this is shaped by interest and time of day, and some is shaped by my involvement in reviewing books. I find that I generally finish and am able to review four or five books most weeks (today is the rare exception when I didn’t have a book ready for review).

I posted a variation on this question on social media and was fascinated by the differences among reasons in this regard and the reasons for those differences. There is a group of people who like to read just one book at a time. For many of these people, reading more than one book at a time gets confusing. One person wrote, “I greatly prefer one book at a time. I’m confused enough by single books, and I can’t imagine trying to keep track of multiple plots, different genres simultaneously, etc.” The flip side of this is that some people choose books they can immerse themselves in and they just want to see how it all turns out without distraction. A person commented that you don’t watch two movies in different rooms at the same time (I personally suspect that there are some who try but I also think movies are different).

The picture seems to be more complicated for those reading multiple books at a time. Some are like me–they like the change. One person proposed that “A change is as good as rest.” They felt they could read more at a sitting if they switched off. Others mentioned getting into the habit of reading multiple books during their school years and never got out of it. For some, it is a question of the time of the day–more challenging material when one is fresh, more engaging or exciting material when they are tired and so they have different books for different times of the day. Some also read in different media–a printed book during a quiet moment at home, an audiobook while driving or working, an e-reader while commuting if not driving or on vacation or in bed. Others like to have a different book in different rooms in their homes to have a book available anywhere. One person reads multiple books because “I don’t have the self-control to finish one before starting another. I get too excited to see what the books have to say.”

I honestly don’t think there is a “right” answer to this question. In this as in other aspects of reading, I go with the axiom, read as you can, not as you can’t. Attention and memory seem to be two key aspects. For some, attention wanes if they go on and on in one book without a break; while for others, a book’s not worth reading if they cannot immerse themselves in it–perhaps reading all night to finish it. Some seem to have no problem remembering the plot or key ideas of multiple books while others can’t keep multiple books straight in their minds. We’re all wired differently, and the best thing we can do is understand what works for us.

Bottom line? It’s not a competition, no matter how many reading challenges are out there. You do you.

8 thoughts on “How Many Books Are You Currently Reading?

  1. Hi Bob. I always have at least 2 – 3 in progress. One on the screened porch to read when I take a break from daily tasks, and one to read before turning off the light at bedtime. Careful not to use a page turner at bedtime! Also my Bible for devotions to start the day.
    Sent from my iPad

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  2. Nice post, Bob. Usually two at a time here – one on the Kindle Reader application on my phone, and one physical, printed book. Currently, the printed one is ‘The Shadow of the Wind’ which you reviewed – the first mention of the book I’d ever seen, and I’m grateful to you for that – an excellent book it is.

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  3. Great article. For me, I enjoy one book on audio that is read with dialects, one in the evening that I savor for pure pleasure, and one or two nonfiction or religious books as time allows. My family thinks I’m crazy, so good to know I’m not alone.

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  4. I love reading and have about 20 on the go atm … I keep having to reign myself in … variety of subjects and genres … wish I had more time to read!!

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  5. About 30, some of them for at least 20 years now, such as Orwell’s Letters and Journalism and a couple of anthologies, others in a dilatory way (Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson / Walt Whitman / Wallace Stevens, the thousand-page Tales of D. H. Lawrence); a couple of books of poetry by friends; a comic novel; a history book; a book of learned essays; a book about Henry James; one that fits in my pocket for the train; an antiquarian vol that I have to be extremely careful with; Henry IV Part 2 for my Shakespeare-reading group . . .

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